ENC28J60 Web Server


The work I've done on the ENC28J60 library for the nuelectronics ethershield has really been driven by things I've needed for my own applications. However, feedback and comments are most welcome. Plus if you have any changes/updates that you have done, these can be fed back into the main code by myself or you can release your own version!

In answer to your questions:

  1. Is something I'm looking at, to provide alternative methods that dont use flash memory for the strings.
  2. The library is set up for single packet send and receive so its a trade off between available memory and a usable packet size. If you need more flexibility in this area then a hardware solution such as a shield with the alternative chips may be the correct way to go for your needs. The ENC28J60 is a cheap solution because it provides just the basic packet framing, the IP and TCP layers are done in software, but it is exactly this reason that makes it very flexible too.

The library I have produced can still be classed as a work in progress, there are things I'd like to see in there for my own use but as yet havnt got round to them. To many other distractions I'm afraid.

