nokia lcd 5110

What data do you want to display on the LCD? It may just be a case of adding a number to the number you have. Check out the ASCII table:

If you want to display the number 33, the character shown will be '!'. To get the LCD to show the number 33, a series of steps will need to be taken:

Split the number up into digits, which we'll store in an array:

array[0] = num % 10;
num = num / 10;
(repeat until num = 0)

If num was 33, the array will now have the values 3, 3. (Because of the way the above code processes the data, if num was 35, the array will now have the values 5, 3).

Next, turn the data in the array into a character. It is now the ASCII table comes in handy. If we assume a number of 0, we need to add 48 to it to produce the character 0. If the number is 3, we still need to add 48 to it to produce its character:

array = array + 48;
Then we need to start at the end of the array and work backwards, printing out the characters.
  array[i] = num % 10;
  num = num / 10;

arrayLegnth = i;

for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
  array[j] = array[j] + 48;

It should work...