PWM frequency library

dxw00d got it, you are using the preprocessor incorrectly, but I see another bug in your code.
Pin 10 cannot be used for pwm in this library. That means:

if(success) //always skips this block, success is always false
   pinMode (InA1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode (InB1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode (PWM1, OUTPUT);
}//you have no else statement, you can't catch or deal with the error. Your program will continue on without dealing with this issue.

It is an avoidable property with Arduino's 8 bit timers. You can use pins 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 44, 45, and 46. Pins 10 and 4 are lost for pwm output (they still work for digital input and output). In your case, since you use delay functions and the safe version of InitTimers(), you should avoid pin 5, since it is connected to timer 0.

also, look at the line


that's an additional 100 seconds per iteration. Are you sure you want to do that?
And just one more thing. It appears you use a lot of curly brackets "{ ... }" where you don't need them. Generally they are used when going into scope, in the case of an if...else and for loop. Although the C language lets you put them in needless places, they will only confuse you and other readers (and potentially create local variable bugs). Your setup() and loop() have the same meaning as the following:

void setup()
	bool success = SetPinFrequencySafe(PWM1, frequency);
		pinMode (InA1, OUTPUT);
		pinMode (InB1, OUTPUT);
		pinMode (PWM1, OUTPUT);

void loop ()
	//Motor Start Delay
	//Motor Direction
	digitalWrite(InA1, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(InB1, LOW);

	//Motor Acceleration Control
	for(int fadeValue = 0 ; fadeValue <= 76; fadeValue +=5){
		pwmWrite(PWM1, fadeValue);

	//Motor Run Time

	//Motor Decceleration Control
	for(int fadeValue = 76; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -=5){
		pwmWrite(PWM1, fadeValue);
   //Motor Stop Time

now which one is easier to read? The only differences are changes to indentation to match the scope, removing useless brackets, and moving the necessary closing brackets on to the next line (note: the indentation does look a bit exaggerated I was using a different editor that deals with tabs differently).
Hopefully this helped, good luck on your project.