TwoPortRX ...but with multiple software serial and a hardware serial

a Mega, with multiple hardware serial ports

Hmm, that's an idea, I had forgotten about those, thanks. Sounds like it would be a tidy solution.
I don't have a spare Mega to hand at the moment, but I've one on order and may try to liberate one from an existing project if I get too impatient waiting for that!

In the meantime I might have a stab at some Serial.print() statements in the class, or, alternatively, a convoluted work-around with some xbees I have, just so I can get to a proof of concept stage.

Why not write a short sketch to test reading the brain thing with hardware serial then, when that works try transferring it to software serial.


The example sketch reading the brain thing with hardware serial works okay, but there are issues with transferring it to software serial. For starters, the library documentation says that the SoftwareSerial included in the Arduino IDE isn't quite up to the task and that the NewSoftSerial library is better. Trying to use this causes compiling errors with v1.0+. These kick in as soon as you add #include <NewSoftSerial.h> to the working code, so I've not pursued that any further.

I got compiling errors when I tried to use the NewSoftSerial branch of the library too, although IIRC slightly different ones in this case. Same when I tried it with an older (022) version of the IDE. I dropped that line of enquiry because I wanted to be able to use up-to-date libraries etc for the other components and I felt using an older version of the IDE would be likely to cause more problems further down the line...