M2TKLIB - A User-Interface-Toolkit for the Arduino Hardware

Hi All

Topic 1:

I have released M2tklib (Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.) for U8glib (http://code.google.com/p/u8glib/).

M2tklib builds menus and dialog windows on top of an existing graphics or
character library. Currently, M2tklib supports the following libraries:

  • Graphic LCDs:
    dogm128 lib

  • Character LCDs:
    DogLcd lib (send PM)

Other character LCD libraries could be added on request.

Dialog elements include: Radio Buttons, Toggle Button, Combo Box, Text Entry,
Number Entry, Push Buttons, Dynamic length menues, Scrollbar (also for character LCDs),
Container Widgets (Grid, XY-List, ...)

With U8glib as graphics subsystem, M2tklib can be used on a large number of
displays (Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.). This includes Adafruit
and DFRobot displays.

Topic 2: M2tklib for character LCDs

Related to the current discussion on character menues: I recently developed a small menu for a user in the international part of this forum: http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,99105.0.html
Here are some screenshots of the character version of M2tklib:

Main menu with four entries, focus on the first:

A single selection menu with scrollbar (the scrollbar is composed of 4 user defined characters with pixel exact resolution):

A simple number entry dialog, focus on the number:

Same dialog, focus on the ok button:

The source code for these dialog entry screens is very simple and portable betwen graphics and character LCDs.
