What is kickstarter.com ?

I honestly fail to see the difference

for example, Craigslist they dont back up their ads by a pier review, and I cant really blame them if I show up to some dude's house and the desk is already sold, kickstarter on the other hand reviews projects and rewards and deems them to be an acceptable thing.

I invest, and it turns out to be bunk or a scam? well it was approved by a company to be an acceptable risk to them, I on the other hand never received a risk analysis or any of the other "good stuff" that comes with putting money into an investment. For all intensive reason I have bought a future product though kickstarter, not an investment. Its not really my problem or concern that their risk did not pan out, I bought a future product as advertised... see how this could go skunk if hit hard enough?

They just need to be less involved, like craigslist, if they put their seal of approval on something, then they could be held accountable