Octave/Matlab Vector Programming in Due

The basic MatrixMath library is okay. If you want the high-level simplicity of Matlab/Octave for intense linear algebra operations, the Eigen3 C++ library is almost just a simple yet much faster.

Several projects use it including Google, the European Space Agency, some mobile apps, etc.

I have actually tested Eigne3 on the Arduino Due, and it works. Here's an excerpt from an Arduino sketch demonstrating Matlab/Octave-like programming, on the Due:

    // Kalman Gain Example
    // Matlab form:  K = Pp * H' * inv(H * Pp * H' + R)
    // On Arduino:
    X  = H * Pp * H.transpose() + R;    
    K  = Pp * H.transpose() * X.inverse();

I detailed out instructions for obtaining and setting up Eigen3 for the Arduino Due IDE here: