How to: soil moisture measurement?

A simple circuit can be just as accurate as a more complex one. The more complex circuit is more sensitive though.

As for calibration, you're correct in how to get the zero and 100% points.

The simple 'two nails' probe works OK as an experiment, but accuracy degrades, slowly in some cases, rather quickly in others, depending a lot on soil chemistry. The nails corrode, and the use of a DC current aggravates the problem due to electro-migration.

A more practical probe will use an AC measuring current, and use corrosion resistant probes.

The AC measurement technique can be easily done with an Arduino, but it will cost you a two digital pins.
Your 'probe' (the two nails) are in series with a resistor, forming a voltage divider. The center of the divider is connected to an analog input. The voltage divider is connected between two digital outputs.

The following code fragment gives an example.

Connect two nails and a resistor as shown

digital 2---*

\ R1
analog 0----*
*----> nail 1

----> nail 2
digital 3---


#define moisture_input 0
#define divider_top 2
#define divider_bottom 3

int SoilMoisture(){
int reading;
// set driver pins to outputs

// drive a current through the divider in one direction

// wait a moment for capacitance effects to settle

// take a reading

// reverse the current

// give as much time in 'revers'e as in 'forward'

// stop the current

return reading;
