New LiquidCrystal library - LCD library

Hi Bill,

just uploaded the last changes to the LCD library. I haven't released it as such, but uploaded the change set to the main repo. This is what will become V 1.1.3.

Main highlights:

  • Configuration of I2C extender pin mapping (with a very low hit on performance - less than 0,8%).
  • Configurable FAST_MODE, i.e. setting the control line pulse duration to be optimized or not.

I have also seen that the library, even without the FAST_MODE active is 2x more performant than the original LiquidCrystal.

If you are interested is in the regular place, but download it through the repo, i.e. (get source).

After a weeks testing I be releasing it.

I have also posted the library to the Maple team, see what they say/think.