Has anyone figured out how to send and receive midi with an ESP 8266? Im trying to relay messages wirelessly within a Mac and IOS environment with homemade midi input/output devices. Anyways an RTP midi library for the ESP8266 would be awesome even if there is some slight latency.

Have you come up with any info on this. I want to send midi over wifi to another esp8266 connected to my computer so I can record v-drums from 150 ft. away.

Try using rtpMIDI i currently have the same project lets try and figure it out

Take care when using RTP-MIDI over WiFi. You may encounter serious latency (more than 150ms) issues (not because of RTP-MIDI itself, but because of the WiFi)

Note that the distance is not the key of the problem, it's mainly the propagation conditions and the number of WiFi AP that may be in your surroundings. I remember a case where a RTP-MIDI setup was working perfectly in the lab and started to behave erratically once installed in an exhibition hall, just because all the booths around also had WiFi routers... The WiFi access point was constantly fighting to get some bandwidth, and the connection was completely unstable.

The typical latency is around 30 to 40ms. I see that you want to record V-Drums using that, so I would not recommend to use the WiFi at all. You will loose all timing accuracy when you play.

I would recommend you strongly to use a wired RTP-MIDI network, so you will keep the full timing accuracy (RTP-MIDI uses a 100 microseconds accuracy)

About the RTP-MIDI software, you have two possibilities :

  • use the "AppleMIDI" library, which works with the Ethernet shield. You can find details about this on the RTP-MIDI Wikipedia page (RTP-MIDI - Wikipedia)
  • use the KissBox RTP-MIDI OEM. There is complete guide for Arduino integration here :

You can also find PDF guides explaining details about RTP-MIDI setups on the downloads page of the KissBox website.