HOW to connect servo motor to arduino with l293d

I'm trying to figure out how to build the electronic circuit of arduino + servo + l293d
I found an example of an electrical circuit of a regular DC motor
If someone could give me an explanation or a link

Have a look at this tutorial.

You don't need a 293... just hook the servo red and black to a power supply of suitable voltage (usually 5-6), and the yellow to the Arduino pin used in the sketch (9 as it stands), and also hook the motor black to the Arduino ground.

(Tutorial shows servo power hooked to the Arduino... that's not recommended, best to use a separate supply.)

Thank you
I know how to make a simple connection of the servo
For my project I need to figure out how to make the connection with L293D and arduino and a separate power supply

I need to figure out how to make the connection with L293D and arduino and a separate power supply

I'm not sure if that's feasible....

The 293 does two main things:

  • It switches a dc or stepper motor's relatively high (say 12+) voltage with a logic level voltage (5)... that's unnecessary on a servo, since the high voltage goes straight into the servo in the first place and doesn't need switching

  • It provides direction to the dc or stepper motor by controlling which motor input is + or -... that's also unnecessary on a servo, because that's basically what the pulse on the yellow line does.

If you have a look at a 293 data sheet, it makes no mention of using it to drive a servo- it mentions dc and steppers as specific purposes, though

What is the physical goal of your project? What are you attempting to do? - Scotty

What is the physical goal of your project? What are you attempting to do? - Scotty

Yeah, good question... perhaps the 293 / servo thing is a constraint imposed by a school / college project spec?

Or maybe the OP is confusing servos and steppers?

Thanks guys
I really do not need this part to operate Servo