Arduino Experts - Arduino Developer job board

Woah, I haven't checked here in a couple of days ... seems my site generated some discussion :slight_smile:

I'm currently working on my first real arduino project and saw an opportunity to have a central place for ardiuno developers. I may need help locally on my project in Toronto and I'm sure many people will need arduino developers in the future as this platform gains wider acceptance. I'm really excited about the partnership between Android and Arduino .. this should really help Arduino explode!

As for the name, I just wanted something catchy that explains what the site is about .. Arduino Experts! This seemed no different to me than the other countless sites with open source/trademarked names like: - django developers job board - ruby on rails developers job board - PHP dev forum .. there's LOTS of php examples
etc, etc, etc..

Seems like no problem for these guys and they've been operating for years!! If anything, I'm helping the Arduino eco system to flourish by spending my own time and money to build out 3rd party tools that enable their integrators and developers to interact!

I also clearly state at the bottom 'This website has no affiliation or connection with Arduinoâ„¢' and don't use their logo or misrepresent them in any way.

And to the armchair lawyers in the crowd.. really? If everyone thought like this nothing cool would ever be made .. now let's get back to designing awesome stuff using Arduino!

