[SOLVED] 18B20 timing problem

i updated the .ccp but have always 28ms with 1 sensor
may send me your library ?

sorry but no, too much (other) experimental code in it. As soon as it is stable I'll get it incorporated in the official library.

I went through my previous post and found this bug (sorry)

bool DallasTemperature::isConnected(uint8_t* deviceAddress, uint8_t* scratchPad)
  readScratchPad(deviceAddress, scratchPad);  <<<<<<<<<<< should be readScratchPadFast(deviceAddress, scratchPad); of course
  return true;

Explains why you still get 28 millis, it is experimental code (no guarantees :wink:

(I'll fix the code in the prev post too) done