LiquidCrystal_SR3W Wiring E to the Strobe Pin


Off topic question, how do you make these ASCII schematics?

Hum, the ASCII schematics...., I just copied @bperrybap and changed a few lines. Might be a tool for that.

Nope, no tool. Totally manual. It's not that bad
once you decide on a format and orientation, particularly since these
circuits are so simple.
Once you do a few, they go pretty quickly.

I got really frustrated seeing all the "fancy" graphic schematics out there that were sometimes wrong or out
of sync with the code.
I also wanted the schematics to be inside the code so they would stay in sync with the code and always
be available vs having to track down some drawing in some other location.
I'm also a big believer in tools like doxygen that allow the documentation to be inside the code.

I spent quite a while thinking about how to do the ASCII schematic to make it
the easiest to understand and to minimize wiring errors.
One of things I often find that can cause wiring issues is that the orientation/location of the pins
in the psuedo chip in the schematics drawings doesn't match the pin orientation/location
of the pins in the actual chip.
And in some cases different vendors call the same pins different names which can
add to the potential for making errors.

Plus I just got tired of having to constantly bring up a datasheet each and every time
I was wiring up one of these circuits.

So I decided to draw the schematic with a chip that looks like chip with all the pins
in the same orientation as the actual chip.
To me it seemed to really simplify how to wire up the chip by making it more obvious
and it can now be done with out having to look at a datasheet.

--- bill