Dumping firmware/software...and/or reflashing??

No for the series resistor question. I'll assume you're familiar with AVRDUDE and have used the USBASP programmer.

The first phase is to get the target to respond; no programming. I suggest powering the target using it's normal power source (the 9V battery) (but don't power the target until the end). I suggest having the programmer schematic accessiable and the ATtiny84 (44 is in the family) datasheet open to the 1. Pin Configurations section while connecting the programmer to the target. In other words, carefully review my instructions. With all the power off, connect...

• GND to GND. From the programmer schematic either pin 8 or pin 10 will work. This is connected to pin 14 (upper-right corner) on the target.

• VCC is not connected. Pin 2 on the programmer should not be connected.

• MOSI is connected to MOSI with a series resistor (220 ohms or higher). Pin 1 on the programmer is connected to a resistor which is then connected to pin 7 on the target (lower-left corner).

• MISO is connected to MISO with a series resistor (220 ohms or higher). Pin 9 on the programmer is connected to a resistor which is then connected to pin 8 on the target (lower-right corner).

• SCK is connected to SCK with a series resistor (220 ohms or higher). Pin 7 on the programmer is connected to a resistor which is then connected to pin 9 on the target (lower-right corner just above MISO).

• SS to RESET with a series resistor (220 ohms or higher). Pin 5 on the programmer is connected to a resistor which is then connected to pin 4 on the target (left side in the middle).

At this point I suggest connecting the programmer to the computer and building up an AVRDUDE command. AVRDUDE will be able to communicate with the programmer but the programmer will not yet be able to communicate with the target (no power). Include extra verbose mode (-v -v -v -v) when running AVRDUDE.

When you are content you have the command you want to run (feel free to ask on the forum for an opinion; I'm sure someone will have one) power the target and then run the command.

If all goes well AVRDUDE will read the signature bytes (it always does this) and then output the signature byte (that's the purpose of extra verbose). If that works, you are in business!