Please Need Help to combine two codes

It should just a simple drag and drop, but you have both codes using pins 11 and 2, so those will have to be changed. Another thing to watch out for is delays. The first one has two active delays but they are only 200 ms, which is not bad, but the second code also has two active delays that add up to 1 second, that might be bad. I dont know if time is an issue for you, but in total you have 1.2 seconds of delay. That 1.2 seconds it what it will take until the code is looped again.

Thanks for your help, please can you help me put them together. I do not mind if you assign the pins 11 and 2 to different pins number so they would not interfere with other, but it would be good if pin 2 still be the interrupt pin for wakeup (FSR).For the time, it matters a lot, because the whole idea for the system work faster, which ever time you think will be the best, i m willing to work with it...please help me.