Great PCB House for Prototyping

costs that changed per person you talked to? (that would be a bit bothersome to me as well

You ever tried to order 200 small boards with them? I just don't want any of that experience anymore, give it a year or more, period. If you were promised a price and then told another later, you should stay away from the seller. So for the order you paid, were you given free shipping for order over $50? Seeedstudio does this. I started with seeed and later discovered itead because they were cheaper. That was when neither they had any service for more than 10 pcs so I had to email them to negotiate a price for 100-200 pcs. Itead won out with less cost and I made some purchases with then, until they became confusing with different people saying different prices and eventually annoyed me enough to go back to seeed. That clear enough for you now?