Arduino DUE PWM and ADC interrupt Triggering

Okay, yes the frequency is fast, It was 1000000. Is there a reference for the arduino PWM functions, or just the Atmel SAM3X8E datasheet?

Correct me if I am wrong, but do I also need to call the PIO_Configure function with these parameters PIN_PWMC_PWMH0_TRIG, PIN_PWMC_PWMH0_TRIG_FLAG ?

Looking inside the Arduino Libs, it appears that of the Timer Counters, TC0 is able to trigger the ADC interrupts. Is this true? Or can the other Timer Counters trigger the ADC.

More importantly, is there one working example with ADC being trigged by PWM or Timer Counters with an arbitrary frequency?

I would love to see it.

I found FPGA's easier. Less abstraction, to the point.