8v2a to 16v1a

Hopfully image will attach, so if i laid it out on a bread board like the pic, that would work?. Bells use 8v, but i have seen them ding on about 6v. The voltage has to go a long way, total 50m round trip, so there is a lot of drop off, to much voltage is no problem i believe, but to little and nothing will happen. I will only ding one bell at a time, obviously, i will only double it for the bells that are far away.
in the drawing, (dont fully understand them) which way is + on the capacitor, I am assuming the top is + (the long wire).

When you said, current, do you mean amps, I think its 8v1a, because the transformer to run one is that, and to run 2, its 8v,2a.