rf433 code for ELRO Flamingo home devices (FA500)

A  On 1:001001 0010100011111101 0111 10 001001 1110110010011110 1101 10
B  On 1:001001 1111111111001010 0110 01 001001 0001001110100000 1110 01
C  On 1:111001 1001110001011000 1110 01 111001 1111110111111111 0100 01
D  On 1:011001 0111010100110110 1010 10 011001 0010000100010100 0110 10

A  On 2:001001 0001010100001110 1000 10 001001 0101100001101101 0101 10
B  On 2:001001 0100111100001101 0001 01 001001 0011001111010101 0100 01
C  On 2:111001 0110100101100111 0110 01 111001 1000111000110111 1100 01
D  On 2:011001 1110100011001101 0000 10 011001 1010011000001000 0001 10

A Off 1:001001 0001100000000010 0011 10 001001 1010111011100110 0001 10
B Off 1:001001 0100010010100111 0111 01 001001 1010010010000001 0101 01
C Off 1:111001 0100100111110111 0101 01 111001 0100101001010110 0011 01
D Off 1:011001 0110000111000101 0010 10 011001 0000110110010110 1101 10

A Off 2:001001 1011010100101111 1110 10 001001 0011010011000110 0110 10
B Off 2:001001 1001100001011101 0011 01 001001 1010100110100001 1010 01
C Off 2:111001 0101010000000001 0111 01 111001 1111101010011000 1101 01
D Off 2:011001 0001000101100100 1110 10 011001 1101001100000110 1100 10

I have just chopped them up and moved them around for comparison between switches, apart from that I am non the wiser....

Could you share your capturing code with us? pls?
