SoftwareSerial with ATTiny84 using ATtiny library

Ohh, my copy/paste technique was bad.

What I really meant was; Try moving the sense pins to PB3 and PB4.

CapacitiveSensor cs_4_2 = CapacitiveSensor(PB3,PB4);

If you are using 0 and 1 you are interferring with MISO, which is used by KnockBang, and gives the weird results and errors.

I tried your sketch wirth this change and the output is OK.

I don't understand how it uses both. Eventually I will need those pins is possible to change it over to a different pin? (possibly just one...?)

and if I use your setup, I don't get what pin is the serial pin either. I always thought pin 2 was the send pin.

Also, this is REALLY confusing me now. When I unplug the serial read pin, it seems to be still reading serial... This is even with the basic example I posted above. it's usually plugged into pin 1 of the arduino board, but I break the connection all together and it still is printing to serial monitor.

I am keeping all the connections connected because its on a prototype board that sits on top of the arduino, not sure if that will matter. Its basically this board but with addition of a jumper going from Tx (pin1) on arduino to pin3 (PB2) on attiny