floppy read

Didn´t know we could build one of this. Got some code from http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Oscilloscope-poor-mans-Oscilloscope/ and incorporated into the Dweller´s code. Serial is running on 115200 baud. The result with the Serial.write((val >> 8) & 0xff) commented is as in the attachment. If I remove comment from that it returns 0 and 1.
For what I need this is a good start, but I want to go further: not having random track readings(related to arduino and something I got into along several restarts of the Processing program from instructables).
What is this data?

Sorry I have no idea what you are saying. Want to try again, maybe get google translate involved.

You will only see a zero or one from this pin what do you want?
I don't understand about the restarts, is this your PC or just Processing?