SCoop - multitask and Simple COOPerative scheduler AVR & ARM

Version 1.2, manual corrections and volatile

I see that a new version 1.2 has been posted on, thanks for that. I am just starting a new project and I think Scoop is the right tool for me and am going to try it.

I would like to propose some corrections to the manual, but I do not seem to find the source of it, which would make the job much easier: can I access it anywhere? In any case, where should I send proposal for changes?

By the way, one of the things I notice in the manual is the use of volatile in the very first example, the one on the first page. As far as I can tell, volatile is useless here, because the compiler will never optimise out accesses to this variable. That would happen if we had an infinite while loop instead of the loop entry point and if the scheduler were preemptive, but none of these two conditions are true here.