Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

Hello jeancarlo19,

Here a procedure that should make the CAN sketches compile OK. I know the following is going to look drastic but it is the easiest way to do it.

Before proceed with the following steps, MAKE SURE to BACKUP your current Arduino 1.5.2 files.

Step 1: copy and replace ALL the folders/files from ...\Arduino-can\Arduino-can*.*
to ...\arduino-1.5.2-windows\arduino-1.5.2*.*

I want to clarify that ...\Arduino-can\Arduino-can\ refers to the CAN github stuff.
and ...\arduino-1.5.2-windows\arduino-1.5.2\ refers to your current arduino 1.5.2 stuff.

Step 2: Open the Arduino IDE 1.5.2

Step 3: Open any CAN sketch (now under ...\arduino-1.5.2-windows\arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\CAN).

Step 4: Import the CAN library (don't forget to set the Arduino Due (Programming Port) board)

And that's it. Now, you should be able to compile the sketch without errors/warnings.

The reason for the above procedure is because the CAN library was built as Arduino staging using in a prior Ardunio stuff.
Besides the CAN library itself, there are few files that have to be updated in the current 1.5.2 version. I will make time
to find and tell the only necessary files to copy/replace. Regards!