Lightweight Linear Algebra Library (how to contribute?)

I wanted to develop a more thorough Extended Kalman Filter routine (which requires matrix operations including the most dreaded one... inversion) for an Arduino project. So, I was looking around for good linear algebra libraries for AVR/ARM platforms (specifically Arduino) and found that Eigen has an arduino port. However, I had a lot of difficulties installing it and also read posts about how it takes up a lot of space. I found the MatrixMath library but saw it was it was clearly lacking functionality (no operator overloadings, inefficient access control, and missing functions) so I wrote a new library.

I'm not sure how to contribute it to the community though - should I make a git repository for it and upload it there? How would I add it to the contributed libraries repository so it can be downloaded with the IDE library manager?

I tested 6x6 Matrix inversion routine on the Uno, Mega 2560 and Due. Sadly, the inversion crashes on the Uno :confused: (and takes up 23% flash), but it works fine on the Mega 2560 and the Due. The 6x6 inversion routine takes 29.3 ms on the Mega 2560 and only 2.1 ms on the Due. :sunglasses:

I've attached the library to this post for now. Here are the header files for the list of functions supported at this moment. Let me know if you guys are interested in any more operations and I'll work on it. :slight_smile:


#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H

#include <string>

#define MAX_LEN 6

class mat {
		// Constructor
		mat(int m, int n);

		// mat operations
		mat operator+(mat m);		// Addition
		void operator+=(mat m);

		mat operator-(mat m);		// Subtraction
		void operator-=(mat m);

		mat operator^(mat m);		// Element-by-element multiplication
		void operator^=(mat m);

		mat operator/(mat m);		// Element-by-element division
		void operator/=(mat m);

		mat operator*(mat m);		// mat multiplication
		void operator*=(mat m);

		mat operator*(float k);		// scalar multiplication
		void operator*=(float k);

		mat operator/(float k);		// scalar division
		void operator/=(float k);

		// mat functions
		float det(); 					// Determinant
		mat t();						// Transpose
		mat inv();						// Inverse
		void resize(int m, int n);		// Resize
		void copy(mat m);				// Copy
		mat cols_cat(mat m);			// Horizontal concatenation
		mat rows_cat(mat m);			// Vertical concatenation

		// Access functions
		mat get_row(int m);				// Get row
		mat get_col(int n);				// Get column
		void set_row(int m, mat row);	// Set row
		void set_col(int n, mat col);	// Set col
		mat get_subm(int m1, int m2, int n1, int n2);	// Get matrix subset
		void set_subm(int m, int n, mat subm);	        // Set matrix subset
		mat cofactor(int m, int n);	// Get cofactor matrix
		float& operator()(int m, int n);

		// Initializers
		static mat zeros(int m, int n);
		static mat ones(int m, int n);
		static mat identity(int n);

		// Debug stuff
        std::string sprint();			// Dump matrix to string

		// TO-DO: Add relational operators

		// mat variables
		int rows;
		int cols;
		float data[MAX_LEN][MAX_LEN];

		mat get_mat();					// Return self


Vector.h - Derived class for row vectors

#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H

#include "Matrix.h"

class vec : public mat {
		vec(int n); // Constructor
		// vec specific Operations
		float dot(vec v);		// Dot product
		vec cross(vec v);		// Cross product
		// Vector access
		float& operator()(int m);
		// Vector Initializers
		static vec zeros(int n);
		static vec ones(int n);


This library allows for some fairly complex matrix operations - for instance, here is the sequence I'm using in the Extended Kalman Filter function.

// State and Error Prediction
vec xp = A * x + B * u;
mat Pp = A * P * A.t() + Q;
// Compute Kalman Gain
mat S = H * Pp * H.t() + R;
mat K = Pp * H.t() * S.inv();
// Measurement Update
x = xp + K * (z - H * xp);
P = Pp - K * H * Pp; (3.77 KB)

Thank you for sharing.

You could create a github repository to be able to track issues and versions.

I've reduced the memory footprint and avoid copy in your code where possible. It now runs smootly on Uno ( 6x6 matrice inversion takes 13 ms).

Cheers (3.9 KB)

Hi have done further improvements to the code. It now takes 10ms on the uno

The code is on github: