[Published on GitHub] LinkedList Class (Fully implemented)

Thanks for fast response. Unfortunately that doesn't work either. Same errors. Computers have really been troublesome for me lately. lol.

Sorry for my (fast) but wrong response!

Now I had time to try it out, and seems that you are trying to 'include' the instance of the object, not the pointer to it. Here is how I would do, because then you are still able of passing the object without having to copy it or anything else...

Note that, the type of the LinkedList is not pointer, but the class inside it is. So, if you are adding elements to it, if they are instance objects (not pointers), don't forget the '&' before it...

Perhaps I could work out some examples for the library...

#include <LinkedList.h>

LinkedList<int> myLinkedList = LinkedList<int>();
 class test
  int x;

LinkedList<test*> myLinkedList2 = LinkedList<test*>();
void setup()
  myLinkedList = LinkedList<int>();
  myLinkedList2 = LinkedList<test*>();
void loop()