Arduino Ethernet Shield



the library does not compile (on linux) because etherShield.cpp tries to include EtherShield.h but the name of the file is etherShield.h (camelCase).

Ususally the C-header/source-files are in all lower-case so I suggest you rename the files to ethershield.h ethershield.cpp
or go with the classname EtherShield.h EtherShield.cpp


Thanks for the advice.

The library was only tested on Windows machine, since I don't have a Linux PC. I've changed the line #include "EtherShield.h to #include "etherShield.h" in file etherShield.cpp. The new file has been uploaded to my website.

Hope it will work on Linux. I'd really appreciate if someone could test it. Thanks :wink:

Now it compiles without errors.