Serveral operators missing in language reference

Several operators i (frequently) use are missing from the reference page:

The ones that are missing:
-Modulo assignment %=
-Bitwise XOR assignment ^=
-Bitwise left shift assignment <<=
-Bitwise right shift assignment >>=

Is there any reason why they where left out? Perhaps to prevent confusion amongst beginners? Well, this incompleteness did confuse me a little.

Also, just something i noticed. The increment and decrement operators are listed under the compound asignment operators, but in the wikipedia article they are listed under the Arithmetic operators.

Is there any reason why they where left out? Perhaps to prevent confusion amongst beginners? Well, this incompleteness did confuse me a little.

As far as I can tell, all of those are there on the page:

Modulo (%) is listed under "Arithmetic Operators", while the others (XOR, left/right shift) are listed under "Bitwise Operators".

As far as the differences between the Wikipedia article and the Arduino reference, chalk it up to differences in labeling and semantics...

As far as I can tell, all of those are there on the page:

No, s/he is quite correct, the compound operators listed in the OP are not on the page you linked.

I just found out where it was hidden all along. You have to click through to get to the Bit Math Tutorial and scroll down. I prefer shortcuts of operators close to the operators themselves.