My new Arduinoos blog

You are kindly invited to visit my new blog which contains information that was usefull to the developmentof my own projects.

I took a look a bit back. I will add it to my list of blogs.

Send me a message if you will so I remember:

[edit]Scrap that at the moment, there seems to be an issue with my contact form, I'll try fix it now.[/edit]
[edit]Should be working now. Damn XHTML compliance. It is either complaint, or working. I'll go with working any day ;D I'll have to look into compliance later and see what is actually causing the issue.[/edit]


This place is for: open source software, open source hardware and open ... minds. With no restrictions. :slight_smile:

I did receive your message, I have just got back off holiday so I will add it now.
