Control Panels for Arduino/Processing 1.5.1.

This is a set of instruments and controls panels which can easily be configured to build several Arduino Projects in a relatively fast way. Still some coding will be required depending on the particularities of each Project; but having these Panels already built, will make the task way easier and faster. This Project was built using Processing 1.5.1.
More Panels can be added in the future such as Timers, Voltmeters, etc.

Suggestions appreciated.

Here is the video:

it's very interesting man...


Do you have something ready to try?

Well, not really. At this point it does not have the Arduino communication code in there yet. For now, I'm just building a bunch of these instruments which I know will be useful for many future projects. Every time I begin a project it is a little bit discouraging thinking "Uff I'll have to build the Processing code for this..." and sometimes that prevents me from even trying unless I'm really interested. Building a huge code just for trying a concept which might not go well, is discouraging at least for me. With these instruments already built will be way easier at least testing the initial concepts.
I have another instrument almost ready now; but this time I'll try to put in the Arduino code and fully test it.

ok man,take your time,i know what you mean.i'm at the beginning of learning programming,all it give me big headaches!^___^
keep up the good work!cheers and thanks!

Thank you so much, apprecaite your comments.