Audio Delay

today i received those SRAM chips used in the link I posted before (23K256).
Ive seen here
that it already has been implemented a library for the arduino.

Because my board is different i took a look in the class the user "carl" has written and changed the parameters to my board.

this is the original code from carl for the teensy

#define setupSPI SPCR = 0x50 //Master mode, MSB first, SCK phase low, SCK idle low, clock/4
#define setupDDRB DDRB |= 0x2e  //set  SCK(13) MOSI(11) and SS1 , SS2 as outputs 
#define selectSS1 PORTB &= ~0x04  //set the SS to 0 to select SRAM 1 
#define deselectSS1 PORTB |= 0x04  //set the SS to 1 to deselect SRAM 1 
#define selectSS2 PORTB &= ~0x02  //set the SS to 0 to select SRAM 2 
#define deselectSS2 PORTB |= 0x02  //set the SS to 1 to deselect SRAM 2

this is how i adapted it to the teensy 1.0 (it doenst work yet)

#define setupSPI SPCR = 0x50 //Master mode, MSB first, SCK phase low, SCK idle low, clock/4
#define setupDDRB DDRB |= 0x7  //set  SCK(13) MOSI(11) and SS1 , SS2 as outputs
#define setupDDRB DDRC |= 0x4
#define selectSS1 PORTB &= ~0x01  //set the SS to 0 to select SRAM 1
#define deselectSS1 PORTB |= 0x01  //set the SS to 1 to deselect SRAM 1
#define selectSS2 PORTC &= ~0x04  //set the SS to 0 to select SRAM 2
#define deselectSS2 PORTC |= 0x04  //set the SS to 1 to deselect SRAM 2

My SS1 Pin on the teensy is PB0 so i thought the binary to set this PiN as an output is just to set DDRB to 000 0001 thats (the bit on the right should be PB0 am I right?)
because the SCLK and MOSI PINS have to be outputs to the binary for DDRB is 0000 0111 which is the number 0x07 in Binary

for the other Bit stuff i did it the same way. But the test Program wont work

Do you think i have to change more in the code?

In the cpp file which contains the functions defined in the constructor of the .h file are some hex values too, but i dont know anything about them.

SRAM2class::SRAM2class()  //constructor

deselectSS1;  //deselect if selected
deselectSS2;  //deselect if selected

selectSS1; //setup SRAM1
RWdata(0x05);//read status register
int Sreg = RWdata(0xff);//get status value

if(Sreg != 0x41) //are we in sequential mode
RWdata(0x01); //write to status reg
RWdata(0x41);  //set sequencial  mode
}//end of set sequential mode for SRAM1

selectSS2; //setup SRAM2
RWdata(0x05);//read status register
Sreg = RWdata(0xff);//get status value

if(Sreg != 0x41) //are we in sequential mode
RWdata(0x01); //write to status reg
RWdata(0x41);  //set sequencial  mode
}//end of set sequential mode for SRAM2
}//end of constructor

void SRAM2class::writestream1(int address)
deselectSS1;  //deselect if still selected
deselectSS2;  //deselect if still selected
selectSS1; //select now
RWdata(0x02);//write to address
RWdata(address >> 8);//msb address
RWdata(address);//lsb address  
}//end of write stream SRAM 1

void SRAM2class::writestream2(int address)
deselectSS1;  //deselect if still selected
deselectSS2;  //deselect if still selected
selectSS2; //select now
RWdata(0x02);//write to address
RWdata(address >> 8);//msb address
RWdata(address);//lsb address  
}//end of write stream SRAM 2

void SRAM2class::readstream1(int address)
deselectSS1;  //deselect if still selected
deselectSS2;  //deselect if still selected
selectSS1; //select now
RWdata(0x03);//read from address
RWdata(address >> 8);//read from address
}//end of read stream SRAM1

void SRAM2class::readstream2(int address)
deselectSS2;  //deselect if still selected
deselectSS1;  //deselect if still selected
selectSS2; //select now
RWdata(0x03);//read from address
RWdata(address >> 8);//read from address
}//end of read stream SRAM2

void SRAM2class::closeRWstream(void)
deselectSS1;  //deselect
deselectSS2;  //deselect 
}//end of close RW stream

byte SRAM2class::RWdata(byte data)
 SPDR = data;
  while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)))
  return SPDR;
}//end of RWdata

Does anyone see a Problem?

Another thing i am not sure with is:
carl used a 820 Ohm and 1.5kOhm voltage divider to get the 5 V signal from the arduino to 3,3V
Because i didnt have those values I took 6,2kOhm and 10kOhm.

is that too much ?