Arduino Due not executing sketch

have just bought Arduino Due board, according to some post it says that the default sketch is the Blink Sketch, but the "L" led on my Arduino Due board stays light up. so i tried to upload the blink sketch but still then the "L" led did not blink. it stays light up as before.
here are the step i carried to upload my first sketch,
installed the Arduino IDE 1.6.8
installed the Due Support files in Board Manager
connect the board using the "programming Port"
select "Arduino Due (Programming Port)" in Tool>Board
select the appropriate port in Tools>Port
load the Blink Example from File>Examples>01.Basics
upload the sketch.
It compiled and the sketch was uploaded, the "RX" and "TX" light up during upload, then the "L" led do not blink but stays as it was before.

After uploading your sketch, try pressing the reset button. In an ideal world, it would not be necessary, but it seems there are quite a few DUE boards with reset issues.



i tried but it did not work... :frowning:


Try this:-

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Does anything happen when you open Serial Monitor(9600 baud)?



nothing happens.... :frowning:

Kind Regards

Then all I can suggest is you have faulty board :frowning:



I did kill two of my (3 at that time) Due's with voltage spikes. The 1st does not show any LEDs lit when connected to USB, the 2nd behaves exactly as you describe. I just uploaded Blink sketch 5 minutes ago and the RX/TX led blinks, but nothing happens after upload. Just now the LEDs are completely off although board is still connected to USB. The board and the SAM CPU is very hot now.

I ordered 3 new Due's because its the best Arduino microcontroller (most MHz, most ram, ...), and because I had a working one left I had time to wait 34 days for shipping from China (free shipping, 12$ per Due). Now I have 3 Dues for me again because my older son got one for playing with Babix (he attended operating systems lecture last semester).


Hello mmuhsin115,

Are you using the original Arduino Due or a clone from China?
Can you try the blink example using a different pin and verify it using an external led+resistor or a Vmeter?
