iPhone controlled universal remote

Okay I got this idea for a Bluetooth enabled universal remote controlled via an iPhone. From my initial research it looks like I should use an Arduino Leonardo with this shield


Am I on the right track? Any thoughts?

Okay this is what I ended up doing.

Arduino UNO Rev3 http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/arduino-uno-rev3-p-694.html?cPath=132_133
Bluetooth Low Energy Shield http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/bluetooth-low-energy-shield-p-1255.html?cPath=132_134
Grove - Base Shield http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove-base-shield-p-754.html?cPath=132_134
Grove - Cables http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove-universal-4-pin-20cm-cable-5-pcs-pack-p-749.html?cPath=178_179
Grove - Infrared Emitter http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove-infrared-emitter-p-993.html?cPath=139_204
Grove - Infrared Receiver http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove-infrared-receiver-p-994.html?cPath=139_204

The beauty of this setup is that it's all off the shelf parts and shouldn't require any soldering.

I will make an iphone app the communicates via bluetooth and will put it on the store for anyone to use.

Best of luck! Looks like you have the right stuff ordered, keep us posted.

Hi, I'm just doing on a similar project.

I hooked up a IR receiver and IR emitter to a breadboard and connected it to an Arduino Uno rev3 with an ethernet shield (pictured). IR receiver was used to capture the codes and emitter was sending them to devices that are to be controlled and the system works great for Apple Remote.

But then I tried recording Sony codes from a remote and every time I pressed a button my IR receiver would show a different code (I'm using the IRremote library). Another problem: Ethernet shield is using a lot of energy so I hope your solution with a low power Bluetooth module will be better.

I'm in the same boat right now. It's all hooked up and I can read the codes. But every time I press the button it seems like a different code is sent.

Ontop of that the Vizio remote shows an unrecognized protocol. Is there a better IR library to use?

Does anyone have a solution to getting more than one code sent by the remote?

Which remote are you having problems with?


My Vizio remote and my Sony remote for my sound system.

I have a Sony tv remote, but not an audio remote. I do not know the brand Visio.

I have recently decoded my Mitsubishi heat pump remote. It sent 180 bits of data for every key press.

I will see what I get with a Sony tv and let you know how I get on.


Using a Sony TV Remote I get results like this - quite repeatable

The following is pressing the buttons 1-6 (the repeat codes represent what is being sent out the IR transmitter - the longer you hold it down the more it repeats) In my case a quick press generated 3 repeats.







Here is my simple script

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremote.h>

// Receive on Digital Pin 4
int RECV_PIN = 4;

decode_results results;
int incomingByte = 0;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

void setup()

	/* add setup code here */

	irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver


void loop()
	if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
		int count = results.rawlen;
		// Skip the first byte - just a timing since last packet recevied.

		for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {

			if (1==0)

			if (results.rawbuf[i]< 10)
				Serial.print("  ");
			else if (results.rawbuf[i]< 100)
				Serial.print(" ");
			Serial.print(" ");
			else {
				if (results.rawbuf[i] == 8)
		irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

In my code you will see it displays a binary 0 or 1 depending if the value is 8 or not. This could change depending on the device.

So to test that out change the code that says if (1==0) to if (1 == 1) in the script to use that section of the code which prints out the actual values read.

Special Note:

I have also modified the code in the IRRemote.cpp file in the IRRemote library to return values that do not change so much.

Basically when it saves values it calls this function to fix up the values to make them consistent.

unsigned int fixTimer(unsigned int t)
	if (t <  20)
		return 8;
	else if (t < 31)
		return 24;
	else if (t < 33)
		return 32;
               	return t;

See http://wiki.crowe.co.nz/Mitsubishi%20Heat%20Pump.ashx to see what I changed.

This could explain why you are seeing different values - using the code on my wiki page I get consistent values of 8 and 24 on the Sony remote.


I just commented out my FixTimer function from the previous reply

and using the raw output of numbers I was getting this

 47  12  11  12  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  23  12  12  12  12  12  11  13  11 
 47  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  24  11  12  12  12  12  11  13  11 
 48  12  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  23  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12 
 47  12  24  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  24  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12 
 47  12  24  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  12  11  12  24  11  12  12  12  12  12  11  12 
 47  12  23  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  12  23  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12

You can see then numbers 11 and 12 and 3 and 24 - so this slight difference may be something you are seeing?


I made the changes you showed.

This is what I got from pressing the 1 (BD) button 4 times


Can you change it so it uses the actual value instead of 0 and 1

Search the script for

if (1==0)

and change to

if (1 == 1)

When you run it you will get raw values which may or may not help.

Also try the code with different remotes - if you are still getting garbage then

  • What pin is your sensor connected to?
  • Have you got another sensor to try?


I also came across this which may help you but not until we determine why you are getting strange values.


I made the change. I get this result when pressing the 1(BD) button 4 times.

  8   8   8   8 119   8   8   8   8 
 37   8 112   8  24   8   8 
  8   8  24   8 112 
114   8   8   8   8 
  8   8 142   8   8   8   8 
  8   8  24   8 111   8   8   8   8 
  8   8   8   8 118   8   8   8   8 
 36   8 112   8  24   8   8 
  8   8  24   8 112 
113   8   8   8   8 
  8   8   8   8 155 
  8   8   8   8 160 
  8   8 125   8   8   8   8 
  8   8   8   8 119   8   8   8   8 
  8   8   8   8 122   8   8

Dd you get a chance to try a different remote?

Does the different remote also show strange patterns?
