Using 2.4ghz RF Module to Transmit Data from Arduino to Arduino


I am trying to have two arduino nanos communicate using the nRF24L01+ chipset modules. I believe the modules use SPI. I really want to make my gamecube controller wireless. So the plan I have in mind is hook up the gamecube controller's data line to one of the interrupts to the "transmitter" side, transfer the data the the "receiver" side, and output the data into the gamecube controller port's data line.

The modules that I am using.

From the website below, I figured that

"Communication is initiated by the console sending a 24-bit string to the controller, after which the controller responds with 64-bits of button state and joystick data."


So now knowing what to send, how in the world do I do this? I seen some libraries but there were multiple of them and I didn't know what to do with them.

Little insights and opinions will be very appreciated!

I cannot at this time answer your question, since I have the exact same problem. I am using the same transcievers, but I have no idea how to use them. I am also using the Arduino Nano. How about if either of us find any answers, we talk about it so that we can both get the question answered?

I found this website that has someone that is trying to do what we are, so this could be helpful.

This seems to be what we are looking for

Yup, this is one of the websites that I have been looking at. It seems like this website basically has everything that we are looking at but doesn't appear too noob-friendly to me. I wonder if the RF transceiver library has some kind of syntax or library for it.

So the RF library seems like it uses pipes... How does that work?

So the RF library seems like it uses pipes... How does that work?

The RF library has an examples folder.
Open the file of the example u want to try and follow the instructions at the start of the file.

So the RF library seems like it uses pipes.

That is because the RADIO uses pipes. You should be looking at the NRF24L01+ data sheet.

That is because the RADIO uses pipes. You should be looking at the NRF24L01+ data sheet.

I don't know by how looking at the data sheet is going to tell me what/how to code... Can you elaborate a bit? Thanks!

So now, my main task is to lets say have a data coming into pin 8 or something, I just need to relay that out into the NRF24L01+. Any ideas?