Nokia LCD display shield question

Just so you know, this:


Will take an awfully long time to execute as the display is only 128x128 and you are trying to print a box 6101 pixels square (starting at (0,0) ending at (6100,6100)).
If you just want to clear the screen, you can use this:


Which will set all pixels to be the background colour

Secondly, and most importantly, the Ethernet sheild uses pin 13 and pin 11.
What I did with my LCD shield is to cut the traces going to these pins and added jumper wires to pin 7 and pin 6. The you would just have to change your code to be:
const char Clk = 7;
const char Data = 6;
I found sparkfuns choice to use the SPI pins for this display rather unhelpful as we cant use the hardware SPI for it anyway (it uses a funny 9 bit SPI communication).

As a couple of side notes, but not related to your problem:

You can get rid of that White bar at the top of the screen by correctly setting the screen offset coordinate. The begin function is specified as: begin(xOffset, yOffset, InvertColour, Driver);
So by the looks of things, your screen (unlike mine) is perfectly aligned at the origin, so to get rid of those two pixels, change this:
Changes to:

You can also now use predefined colours for easy reading:

graphic.setForeColour(15,15,15); //While this is perfectly acceptable...
graphic.setForeColour(GLCD_WHITE); //This does the same thing, but is easier to follow

You don't have to use these colours and the way you are doing it will work absolutely fine, but based on the the comments next to setting colours in your code, it may be easier to read.
This is a full list of colours defined in the header file.

	#define GLCD_WHITE 0x0F0F0F
	#define GLCD_BLACK 0x000000
	#define GLCD_GREEN 0x000F00
	#define GLCD_LIME 0x080F00
	#define GLCD_BLUE 0x00000F
	#define GLCD_RED 0x0F0000
	#define GLCD_GREY 0x080808
	#define GLCD_ORANGE 0x0F0800
	#define GLCD_CYAN 0x000F0F
	#define GLCD_YELLOW 0x0F0F00
	#define GLCD_LEMON 0x0F0F08
	#define GLCD_MAGENTA 0x0F000F
	#define GLCD_PINK 0x0F0808