Flow of electricity - Simple Circuits

Physicists use Electron Flow
Real people use Current/Traditional/Ben Franklin Flow
I would try and ignore Electron Flow unless you are specifically wanting to get deep into the physics aspect of it. Or you are trying to do Semi-conductor/material science.

From my experience that is exactly backwards. I was taught in military electronic training that EE physics teaches and uses the concept of 'conventional' current flowing being positive to negative while we were taught to use that electron/current flows negative to positive. It's an old argument/preference dating back forever to the early discovers of electricity. The physicists, once aware of their basic error invented 'hole flow' so they could continue to believe (in error) that current flows from positive to negative.

Take your side of the 'argument', but just stay consistent and your circuits will still function. It wouldn't be a problem except the physicists got to define which way the arrow points in semiconductors symbols so as to maintain their original error in defining current flow direction, so all our schematic drawings are wrong. :wink: