Arduino read computer CPU temperature


Is there anyway I can get the Arduino Uno to read the temperature of my computers' CPU?
I have a 2-digit display connected to it and made functions to print numbers and letters, just need the arduino program to read the temperature of the cpu like every second, via the usb cable, and then find the suitable function to print the corresponding number on the 2-digit display :grin:

A usual approach to a problem of this sort is to write a program on the PC side to send the data over the serial port to the Arduino, and to write a corresponding program on the Arduino to receive and display the serial data.


MOst PC's these days can read the chips internal temp sensor,

that said, you can connect a DS18B20 (take the waterproof version) to the cooler of the CPU and let the Arduino read and display it. The added value of letting the Arduino read the temperature is that you can create the start and cooldown curve that are missed by the "internal" program which can be interesting too. Furthermore the Arduino can have multiple sensors and you can measure the temperature of parts of the PC that have no built in temp sensor. So lots of reasons to go for the Arduino way!

Finally, The Arduino can store the data on SD card which can be processed by the PC on a later moment.

Yes, that's what I thought, but I don't know how to do it.

No, I can't just place a thermo on the cooler, because the temperature inside the CPU is way different from the cooling-rig's temp. Thanks for the reply anwyays :slight_smile:

because the temperature inside the CPU is way different from the cooling-rig's temp.

Yes, but if you measure both for a while you will see those are correlated and you may be able to derive a lookup table to map the inside and outside temperatures.
At least that will work for stable temperatures, and the cpu is not that stable in T.

Found this one after a google

didn't work for me but might work for your PC. Seems you need dedicated drivers...

and has a developers page - Core Temp - Shared Memory -

As Rob has mentioned, Core Temp could be a very good option.
You can create a plugin that will do what you need for it quite easily, and if you need help with anything you can always ask me for help.