Schematic for Arduino Sensor Shield v5.0 ?

the Digilent ChipKit foray into an "Arduino-compatible" form factor does not feature a prominent disclosure re: a schematic or the components on the board

Huh? It's right there at the bottom of the product page, labeled "Open source EAGLE project for the chipKIT Uno32. Created in EAGLE v5.11"

Not that it doesn't seem to be "a problem" that many vendors are a bit lax when it comes to the "share alike" clause for derivative works, but Digilent doesn't seem to be one of them! (mind you, the chipKits are 4-layer boards, so they're not so easily modifiable as a regular Arduino Uno, but I learned a lot looking at the digitlent Eagle files; they're a step above most arduino-related layouts when it comes to a number of professional details.