Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

Hi zabaat. I am very happy for your interest to contribute on the CAN shield development. At this very moment, even thou I have done successful tests with the TI SN65HVD234 transceivers, we don't know precisely if they are going to be the best and final choice. I hope to get soon a feedback from Atmel about their tests (they are building their own DIY pseudo CAN shield). I also expect to receive next week a couple of DUEs I ordered almost two months ago to do some networking tests. Regarding the sketch, as I mentioned before here, it should be available in github on the next days. You could start ordering the parts and building your own shield to be prepared to run tests once the API is released to public. Finally your idea of the gateway is very good knowing the need to integrate CAN with other protocols. Just hold it until the time comes. Regards!