Lowest Arduino Power consumption

Should those numbers include time?

The time component cancels out. For example:

Type        Capacity mAH  Discharge %/month   Self discharge (uA)

NiCD AAA         350             20                 98

If it discharges 20% in a month then it discharges (20 / 100) / (24 * 30) in an hour (assuming a 30-day month).

So, in milliamps:

350 * (20 / 100)  / (24 * 30) = 0.097

Units are:

(mA * hours) * (1/months) / (hours/month) = mA

Effectively, it represents an instantaneous current usage of 0.097 mA (97 uA).

To re-arrange the figures, assuming we draw 97 uA then this is how long it will last:

0.097 * (24 * 30) * 5 = 349.2

Units are:

mA * hours/month * months = mA * hours