SD/MMC From the ground up

Update: I downloaded the latest files and it works now ...

When I try to compile I get an error ... The last time I programmed in C was about 10 years ago, so forgive me if I should know this. I did try and figure it out myself, just not smart enough.

o: In function main': undefined reference to microfat2::walkDirectory(bool ()(directory_entry_t, unsigned int, void*), void*)

#include <WProgram.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <microfat2.h>
#include <mmc.h>

byte sector_buffer[512];

char sprint_buffer[40];

// BEWARE - don't print strings longer than 39 characters!
// If you can't help it, adjust buffer size above.
void pprint(const char* s)
strcpy_P(sprint_buffer, (PGM_P)s);

void error(const char* s)
pprint(PSTR("Error: "));
for( /* ever */ ; ; )
digitalWrite(13, (millis() / 250) & 1);

bool showDirectory_walkerfn(directory_entry_t* directory_entry_data, unsigned index, void* user_data)
int* count = (int*)user_data;

Serial.print(index, DEC);
Serial.print(' ');

// Terminate the filename string.
// This is deliberately corrupting the buffer data, but that's ok.
directory_entry_data->filespec[11] = 0;


// Increase 'seen file' count
*count = (*count)+1;

// don't stop
return false;

void showDirectory(void)
int count = 0;

pprint(PSTR("Directory of files on card:\n\n"));

microfat2::walkDirectory(showDirectory_walkerfn, &count);

Serial.print(count, DEC);
pprint(PSTR(" files found.\n\n"));

void setup(void)

pprint(PSTR("uFat2 demonstration\n"));

if (mmc::initialize() != RES_OK)
error(PSTR("mmc init failed.\n"));

// Pass in the sector-sized buffer we'll be using ourselves later.
// uFat doesn't own it, it just needs to use it temporarily.
// We also pass in the address of a function that is used to read
// sectors from our device.
if (!microfat2::initialize(sector_buffer, &mmc::readSectors))
error(PSTR("uFat init failed.\n"));


unsigned long sector;
unsigned long byteSize;

if (microfat2::locateFileStart(PSTR("DATA BIN"), sector, byteSize))
if (byteSize >= 512)
if (RES_OK == mmc::readSectors(sector_buffer, sector, 1))
for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
sector_buffer = sector_buffer + 1;
* }*
* if (RES_OK == mmc::writeSectors(sector_buffer, sector, 1))
pprint(PSTR("Written to data.bin OK!"));_
* {*
* pprint(PSTR("Failed to write updated data."));*
* }*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* pprint(PSTR("Failed to read data.bin."));*
* }*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* error(PSTR("Found data.bin, but it's too small."));*
* }*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* pprint(PSTR("data.bin not present on card."));*
* }*
void loop(void)
* digitalWrite(13, (millis() / 1000) & 1);*