AVRProjectIDE - Editor for AVR/Arduino Projects

At first!: very nice project! Your IDE feels and looks very nice! Keep up the good work! Works like a charm when configured correctly!

I have some small issues though:

  • In the Project Configuration screen, the AVRDUDE Command Builder parameters reset every time, except for the port override option. Also tried it applying the Atmega328p template, but it still resets to the first items in the list. When configuring the right options, save&close the dialog, then program it does work correctly. Though it does not seem to read back the project data or something when reopening the project config dialog.

  • I have a library file in my project dir, "libACW001.a" and .h. which I use for several functions. In AVR Studio 4 this works fine, by setting my project dir as library path. The files then appear as libraries which can be added in the project config dialog in AVR Studio. Though AVR Project IDE seems not to search this dir? The file libACW001.a does not appear in the available link objects list, where it does in AVR Studio.
    Manually adding the file via the add file option introduces the entire path as well causing the following error:

Build Failed with 0 errors
Execute: rm -rf parledspwmed.o libparledspwmed.a parledspwmed.d libparledspwmed.a
####Error: ELF file not created at D:\Arduino\Parleds\default\parledspwmed.elf
c:/winavr-20090313/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.2/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lD:\Arduino\Parleds\libACW001
Execute: avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega328p -Wl,-Map=parledspwmed.map -Wl,--gc-sections -Os libparledspwmed.a parledspwmed.o -L"D:\Arduino\Parleds" -l"D:\Arduino\Parleds\libACW001" -o parledspwmed.elf
Execute: avr-ar rcs libparledspwmed.a
Execute: avr-gcc -I"D:\Arduino\Parleds" -I"D:\Arduino\Parleds" -I"D:\Arduino\Parleds" -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000UL -Os -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -gdwarf-2 -MD -MP -MT parledspwmed.o -c -std=gnu99 "D:/Arduino/Parleds/parledspwmed.c"

Has this something to do with the use of \ instead of /?

Finally got it working by editting the parledspwmed.arvproj file and changing





Thanks Frank, quick reaction and works like a charm now! :slight_smile: