8x8x8 multiplexed LED cube with an Arduino Mega 2560

Well then, the theory is clear :slight_smile:
All that remains to do is to order the components, wait 5 weeks until they arrive from China, solder them together and write the software :slight_smile: Should be ready by spring :slight_smile:
Too bad I can't buy the components here in Romania in some local store. Well, I could, but they'd cost 10 times more as sellers and stores are really greedy here.

Anyway, I know I've said this quite a few times already, but I'll say it one more time: thank you very much for taking the time and patience to explain this to me in detail. I've learned a lot from this discussion.
I'll be back with pictures and videos when I'll have something usable or perhaps with a few more questions even before that if things don't go well :slight_smile:
