Arduino Due sleep mode or standby

This is my first post.
Is there any who can give me any code for sleep mode or standby. Because I can't find any info for Arduino Due. Please be exhaustive.

Is there any topic or information from where we can use the code? Please help us.

  1. Read Nick Gammon's page on power reduction. While this has very limited applicability to the Due, it explains most of the concepts in a very approachable way.

  2. Look at the Due schematic. Note that there is no way to apply Nick's first "bare bones" suggestion without major changes to the board. Since you can't do the first thing, none of the other advice is useful.

  3. Read the datasheet for the processor. That tells you how to use sleep mode for the processor, but doesn't provide any advice for the rest of the board.

  4. What do you really want to do? You think you need "sleep mode" but why do you think that? What are the limitations or special features of your application which has led you to that decision?