New tutorial - Arduino and the NXP PCF8563 real time clock IC

Sorry for bring this from the grave but I'm having some problems with the RTC.

Well, I don't know if this is really a RTC clock problem or if it's an arduino problem. I'm using an Arduino Leonardo (maybe the fault is here) with a PCF8563 and a 32.768 kHZ crystal.

I'd tried to use the arduino "official" library for the PCF8563 and now I'm trying with your code and the results are the same:

 45/25/20165 - 45:85:85

Is there anything I need to change in some library to make it work with Leonardo?

I have 10 RTC chips (all the same model) and all of them show the same result...

Hope you can help a noobie here :blush:

Leonardo - OK, the pins are different. I2C SDA is 2 and SCL is 3. Double-check your wiring and then try my example 54.1 sketch again.
Out of curiosity, where did you get the PCF8563s from?