Atxmega Series development


• pinMode is always first. digitalWrite is always second. digitalRead is always third. millis or delay is always fourth. With those four functions you have the ability to perform crude debugging. If possible, Serial is next.

So it should basically be just re assigning of pins right? (I know you might not be able to answer unless you go through the datasheet properly

Maybe. The pin configuration for XMEGA is more complicated but has lots of interesting features...

You may be able to reuse the bulk of the Standard Core implementation to get basic I/O working.

My question is where do I edit these parameters from? (Sorry if I am being naive about it)

The code is in wiring_digital...

There are some type definitions in wiring_private...

The pin mapping is defined in pins_arduino...

Finally I may not actually port it because I think people have already ported it here.

That is definitely worth looking over. (The download is horrendously slow. Snore.)

Bear in mind that is a Chinese website. It even appears to be sponsored by the Chinese government. Make absolutely certain your anti-virus software is up-to-date and try to avoid actually running anything from the download.

(Did anybody on this forum did the above porting?)

I haven't noticed anyone bragging about it.

I believe the Arduino IDE ships with a compiler for the XMega processors.

Shouldnt the compilers be the same?

It is indeed...