Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering

I will respond to your personal messages here, so everyone else can learn by your mistakes :slight_smile:
First you wrote:

Thank you for your reply.

How should i program it so? How do i integrate both the gyro and accelerometer into one program? i'm relatively new to arduino and have just started this project, i have totally no idea how to do it. I tried the gyro program in the arduino playground but the values do not seem to stop dropping..

your reply is very appreciated! sorry for my bad english

Just grab my program and change the sensitivity (see the next respond). The reason why you experience a drop, it's what called a drift. All gyros do that!! But the Kalman filter will take care of this :slight_smile:

The second message:


I just saw your reply to my question in the post, here you go

your help is really much appreciated :slight_smile:

If your are using 3.3 volt, then your sensitivity would be:

gyroSensitivity: 0.0091/3.31023=2.821 (4.5 times output) else 0.002/3.31023=0.62 (normal output)
accelerometerSensitivity: 0.300/3.3*1023=93

Hope it make more sense to you now :slight_smile:

  • Lauszus