7x7x7 RGB LED Cube

Well I thought that the building of a led cube was a challenge, but that was nothing compared to the tedious and time consuming task of coding in new or additonal light patterns. What is really needed is a PC based GUI pattern editor/generator that could allow one to click and point led lights on and off and build a script of patterns and then generate a hex code or possible even a C array(s) that could then be easily pasted into a sketch and recompiled.

I really liked building, testing and debugging my cube project, but I don't have a clue how people can have the time and patience to manually create complex patterns just using the Arduino IDE?


i'm trying to make somthing like this but what i really need to make it work is a way to make my laptop hold the code that determins the patterns. my laptop would send the signals to an arduino mega,(1280) and haveing my Arduino contain an onboard code that can make sense of what the computer tells it then send the signals to the shift registers/demultiplexers/i2c's then to the cube. the problem i face is communicating between my laptop and the mega..

how should i do this?
