A handy hint? or not. Blink without delay 3.0.

Well the correct way to do it is only three lines:

static unsigned long lasttime;
if (millis() - lasttime > 1000) {
  lasttime = milis();

I suppose you could make a macro

#define RUNEVERY(n) for (static unsigned long lasttime; millis() - lasttime > (n); lasttime = millis())

and then use it like this:

void loop() {
  int sens = analogRead(0);
  RUNEVERY(500) {
    Serial.print(F("Sens: "));

That's untested, since I don't have arduino on this computer. But if that works, I'd support it being defiend in Arduino.h --- it is extremely useful and would preempt a lot of questions on this forum. (Although there is something to be said for learning to do it the "right" way, the same can be said of "hibyte," "lowbyte," "shiftout," "bitRead," etc.)