Arduino and LM35DZ Centigrade thermistor.

the LM35 output is 10mV per degree C. You are displaying the raw value you read, and not converting it first.

  int Temp = analogRead(SensorPin);

should be something like:

  int Temp = analogRead(SensorPin) * 500 / 1024;

for Centigrade


  int Temp = (analogRead(SensorPin)  * 900 / 1024 ) + 32;

for Fahrenheit
That is a rearrangement of * 5 / 1024 * 100 and (* 9 / 5) + 32

  • 5 / 1024 gives the actual voltage on the pin.
  • 100 converts that to the number of 10 mV steps
    (* 9 / 5) + 32 converts C to F if desired

Note: as wired, you cannot measure less than 0c
Note: change 5 in the above formulas if the arduino is changed from running at 5v.